I love In-N-Out!

Sometimes Mommy and Daddy bring me out to restaurants. I’ve been to In-N-Out a few times, and I think it might be my favorite! Although… all the restaurants seem to serve similar baby foods…


Yay In-N-Out Burger!!! My favorite!!!
Yay In-N-Out Burger!!! My favorite!!!
Nom nom I love my broccoli carrots and sweet potato!
Nom nom nom In-N-Out makes the best broccoli carrots and sweet potato baby food!
Hmm, I wonder if those burgers and fries could possibly be better than this vegetable mash?
Hmm, I wonder if those burgers and fries could possibly be better than this vegetable mash?
Haha no way! Nothing can be better than broccoli!
Haha no way! Nothing can be better than broccoli!