Monthly Archives: September 2022

Portland Road Trip: Part 5

The last few days of our trip were good. We went to an awesome bookstore and bought some books. On our way home we stopped in Bend, Mt. Shasta, and Fairfield. It started to get super hot, but we missed the heatwave in Portland and at home. We are great at road trips, as long as we have Harry Potter audiobooks, iPads, snacks and stop a ton.

– Kayli and Leia

We went to a humungous bookstore called Powell's and bought a bunch of excellent books!
We went to a humungous bookstore called Powell’s and bought a bunch of excellent books!
In Bend, we explored this super dark lava cave where it was freezing cold and we had to use flashlights to see anything!
In Bend, we explored this super dark lava cave where it was freezing cold and we had to use flashlights to see anything!
In Mt Shasta we got to stay in a super cool hotel with a hammock right in the middle of the room!!!
In Mt Shasta we got to stay in a super cool hotel with a hammock right in the middle of the room!!!
We played with it a lot...
We played with it a lot…
Finally on our last day, we went to a kind of boring town called Fairfield but there was a Jelly Belly factory!
Finally on our last day, we went to a kind of boring town called Fairfield but there was a Jelly Belly factory!