I am generally a happy baby. Things that don’t make me happy are:
- Staying still
- Having my movement restricted (staying still)
- Getting my boogers wiped
I think that’s pretty much it. Here are some recent pics of me being happy.

I am generally a happy baby. Things that don’t make me happy are:
I think that’s pretty much it. Here are some recent pics of me being happy.
Ever since my hair stopped sticking up at 4-5 months, it has been slowly growing to a length that has now reached peak awkwardness. I think it’s time for a new hair style, but Mommy and Daddy keep putting the same clips into my hair.
I learned how to give high fives (and low fives)!!! Daddy kept yelling “Give me five!” and then he would open my palm and bring it down to his. After awhile, I learned to give fives! Either that, or I really have no idea what’s going on and just like to hit things placed in front of me. I like to think it’s the former though. Let me show you in the below pictures.
I eat solids 3 times a day now! I now probably spend 14 hours a day sleeping, 4 hours eating, 3 hours playing, 1 hour crawling, and 2 hours waving my arms frantically.