Monthly Archives: May 2021

Isolation is the worst

So Kayli got Coronavirus and it was kind of the worst. Actually she was barely sick but she had to stay in her room for 10 days and we couldn’t play with each other or get close to each other and it was the worst! And we don’t know how she got it! Luckily we were super good at not getting close to each other and nobody else got it! Leia had to play with Daddy all day every day, and she only likes him a little. After playing with him for 10 days though, she likes him a medium amount.

-Kayli and Leia

Daddy found some new and creative things to do with Leia, but Leia was not happy
Daddy found some new and creative things to do with Leia, but Leia was not happy
We had to eat outside super far apart!
We had to eat outside super far apart!

We learned some new patriotic songs!

After we isolated for 10 days, we celebrated with stickers on our faces!
After we isolated for 10 days, we celebrated with stickers on our faces!