Monthly Archives: July 2015

6 Months!!!

I’m halfway to a whole year old!!! For my 6 month birthday, I wore my new clothes that Daddy picked out for me! It was the first time Daddy ever picked out new clothes and was ok buying them instead making me wear free used clothes. We bought them all the way in Virginia, at an outlet mall, where they were super on sale, and on top of that we got a military discount.

I'm halfway to a whole year old!!!

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Check out how advanced of a 6 month year old I am!

I can almost walk! Well not really.
I can almost walk! Well not really.
I can almost read! Nope just kidding.
I can almost read! Nope just kidding.

Solid Foods!

I started eating solid foods a couple of weeks ago! It was super weird at first but now I love it! At first I would get food all over my face and hands and feet and two bibs and even inside my shirt! Now, well, I still do that sometimes.


My first solid food was sweet potato! At first, I had no idea what was going on. Mommy and Daddy put weird mushy stuff in my mouth.
My first solid food was sweet potato! At first, I had no idea what was going on. Mommy and Daddy put weird mushy stuff in my mouth.
I kept eating it though, even though it was weird and not that good…
After a couple of days, I started to love sweet potato! I like to lunge for the spoon, even when it's not there.
After a couple of days, I started to love sweet potato! I like to lunge for the spoon, even when it’s not there.
I've also eaten avocado, oatmeal cereal, and carrots!
I’ve also eaten avocado, oatmeal cereal, and carrots!

East Coast Trip Part 2

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After Boston, we went to Newport Rhode Island for Chris’s wedding. We saw some gigantic houses with bear shaped trees, a sunset, and we ate lots of seafood near the water. On Father’s Day, I was super good for Daddy!

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Finally, we went to Virginia to visit Jen, Brian and Toby. Toby can sit up by himself!!! It’s amazing. We spent a day in Washington DC, but President Obama did not come see me :(. Instead, we ate Shake Shack again. Mommy gave me a burger and I was really excited to try my first solid food, but then she ate the whole thing. In the afternoon I played at the Washington Monument! Then we flew home and I was the best baby again! And there were tons of babies on the plane! Tons!

East Coast Trip Part 1

I flew on a plane for 6 hours to Boston! I was the best baby on the plane, and yes, there were other babies!

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In Boston, my milk tasted sweeter than normal. It was like candy milk!

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I sat in my stroller a lot, and sometimes Daddy carried me in the funny grey thing that I like to drool on. We visited Mommy’s old school and apartment! Then we visited another school that Mommy and Daddy said i wouldn’t get into.

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We ate Shake Shack with Uncle Chris! Innout breast milk is still a little better than Shack Shack breast milk though.