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More Socal pics!

Here are some more pictures of our trip to Socal. I love vacation! Going to daycare every day is hard work. I have to put up with older boys picking on me. I fight them all day… so I really needed this vacation. I love saying hi to people, eating snacks, and going on swings. And I got to do that every day on vacation!


I love the airport. I love to say hi to everybody, and everybody says hi back to me. So friendly!
I love the airport. I love to say hi to everybody, and everybody says hi back to me. So friendly!
On the airplane! Sorry for kicking you Daddy. I'm getting big yo.
On the airplane! Sorry for kicking you Daddy. I’m getting big yo.
Irvine has so many parks. I love swinging sooooo much!
Irvine has so many parks. I love swinging sooooo much!
I love it more when Kayli pushes me!!!
I love it more when Kayli pushes me!!!
Higher Kayli! You are the best sister!
Higher Kayli! You are the best sister!
It's just sand guys. It's not that exciting.
It’s just sand guys. It’s not that exciting.


My family went to Disneyland for the first time and I had so much fun! Meimei had fun too, mostly saying hi to everybody. We went on scary rides and fast rides and boats and a train. We ate churros and corn dogs and fried chicken and turkey legs and ice cream. I fell asleep right before dinner but woke up to see fire works from the parking lot! They were sooooo loud I covered my ears and Mommy covered Meimei’s ears. I think I like fireworks better on TV.


Our first ride was It's a Small World!
Our first ride was It’s a Small World!
Family picture on our LIN LEUNG FAMILY TRIP!
Family picture on our LIN LEUNG FAMILY TRIP!
Mommy didn't want to go on the teacup ride, but Daddy did!
Mommy didn’t want to go on the teacup ride, but Daddy did!
I love this ride! Uncle Alan and Daddy spun our cup. Just a little so that nobody would throw up.
I love this ride! Uncle Alan and Daddy spun our cup. Just a little so that nobody would throw up.
I got to control my rocket in this ride and so I went up super high!
I got to control my rocket in this ride and so I went up super high!

I love food!

I loooove food! It took me a long to get used to solid food, but now I love it! I eat anything you put in front of me and I am soooooo good at chewing now. Watch me eat for two minutes!

– Leia

My new house and tent!

Sorry everybody, it’s been awhile. Everybody has been sick for a loooong long time, and we moved to our new house! After we moved, Meimei and I both like to start screaming at 5 in the morning, so Mommy is always tired. Mommy and Daddy have both been sick for a month, and I puked and had diarrhea all last week.

I think we are all starting to feel better now though, so today we put up the tent Auntie Lisa gave me a long time ago. And Meimei looks so good in my old clothes from Auntie Lindsey! Meimei is 1 and walking everywhere!


Mommy, Meimei and I all fit in my tent! Not Daddy though.
Mommy, Meimei and I all fit in my tent! Not Daddy though.
I love this window
I love this window
I love it so much
I love it so much
Meimei loves the tent too!
Meimei loves the tent too!

11 Month Big!

Wow I 11 month already! Huuuuge baby! I super loud now. Love to yell, real loud. In restaurant. Love to yell in restaurant yea. Also I more fussy. Get more fussy and sleep more bad! Why? Dunno! I have many teeth now. Almost 6! Maybe that why? Dunno! I walk now many step no fall down! I like put my arm up high!

I have 11 month pic below. I real fat, dunno why. 10 month skinny, 11 month fat. Maybe I eat too much mum mum. Maybe shirt make me fat. Maybe because no skinny jean!

I almost 1!!! I want big party and big cake. We move new house soon and maybe I have big party and big cake!!!


Mama Dada Kayli why you far way? I sit on good seat. Strong chair.
Mama Dada Kayli why you far way? I sit on good seat. Strong chair.
This chair fun. I leave now but no can walk good yet. Might fall down. Crack head open. Probably not. No worry.
This chair fun. I leave now but no can walk good yet. Might fall down. Crack head open. Probably not. No worry.
Hi Dada! Give high five! Why Kayli hold me so tight? This real fun.
Hi Dada! Give high five! Why Kayli hold me so tight? This real fun.
Mama face so funny! Hahaha. Kayli why so serious? So funny! Hahahahaha!
Mama face so funny! Hahaha. Kayli why so serious? So funny! Hahahahaha!

Belated birthday

Last month I turned 3. 3!!! That is a 50% age increase. I didn’t have a big birthday party because Mommy and Daddy forgot to plan one, but I got to go to Ella’s house, which is the best! And I got to eat pizza and ice cream AT ELLA’S HOUSE! It was close to Ella’s birthday too, so we both got to celebrate! I wish I could go to Ella’s house every day.


Auntie Lisa got us an ice cream cake! I love ice cream and cake! But... I didn't eat much of my ice cream cake.
Auntie Lisa got us an ice cream cake! I love ice cream and cake! But… I didn’t eat much of my ice cream cake.
Ella and I together turned 93!!!
Ella and I together turned 93!!!
These are my favorite people!
These are my favorite people!
Eating my favorite things with my favorite people!
Eating my favorite things with my favorite people!

10 month post!

I getting to be old baby! And huge baby! I almost 20 pounds! I like Cheerios and Mum mums and avocados and bananas! I love to crawl to dangerous kitchen and pick up dirt. I have good motor skills to pick up dirt to put in mouth. I love crawl on Mama and roll around on bed. I still hate sit in car. I still bad at sleep… maybe better… not really. I learn gongxi for Chinese New Year! I smart baby! I happy baby!


Look I have real pants! No pajamas today!
Look I have real pants! No pajamas today!
My skinny jeans accentuate my chubby thighs. Do you see my one tooth?
I have good skinny jeans, make my chubby thighs look good. Do you see my tooth?
I love standing. I can stand up on my own without holding anything for about 5 seconds!
I love stand up. I can stand up by self  5 seconds!
I also love rolling around on the ground like a dog. I would make an excellent puppy.
I love roll around on the ground like a dog. I be great puppy!
I love eating all the magnetic letters on Kayli's easel. And dirt on the ground. Not so much real food though.
I love eat magnet letters on easel. And dirt on the ground. And tissue. Love tissue. Real food… meh.


Last week we found out that we have matching pajamas! Except Kayli’s feet stick out of hers. Can you tell us apart?

-Kayli + Leia

Hi Meimei! Get close to me! We look the same!
Hi Meimei! Get close to me! We look the same!
Hahaha no we don't you're wearing funny pajamas!
Hahaha no we don’t you’re wearing funny pajamas!
Hahaha your head looks funny!
Hahaha your head looks funny!
I love you Kayli! You are my favorite sister.
I love you Kayli! You are my favorite sister.

9 Months!

Ok I’m actually 10 months old as of this post, but Daddy has been sick and busy so my pictures arrived late! As a 9 month baby, I am starting to take after Kayli. I don’t like to sit calmly in your lap anymore… nope. I like to move, and I like to move to dangerous places and grab dangerous things!


If I am well fed and well rested, I'm ok playing inside my playpen. For a little bit. Be prepared to pick me up at any time though.
If I am well fed and well rested, I’m ok playing inside my playpen. For a little bit. Be prepared to pick me up at any time though.
I love to stand! Sometimes I even wear pants now!
I love to stand! Sometimes I even wear pants now!
I can ALMOST jump and hit the ceiling now.
I can ALMOST jump and hit the ceiling now.
Silly Kayli. This is my crib now! How come your head looks so big here?
Silly Kayli. This is my crib now! How come your head looks so big here?